Wages and Job Security

Wages and Job Security Main Image

After a decade of the Liberals and Nationals driving down wages and conditions, the Albanese Labor Government has made improving Australia’s industrial relations system a priority. 

Since coming to government we have: 

  •  Made bargaining better and fairer including multi-employer bargaining 

  •  Closed the labour hire loophole through same job, same pay

  •  Made wage theft and industrial manslaughter a criminal offence

  •  Made it easier for casuals to convert to permanent roles  

  •  Introduced measures to close the gender pay gap

  •  Banned pay secrecy

  •  Increased the wages of aged care workers

  •  Introduced world-first minimum standards for the gig economy

  •  Introduced laws to make road transport jobs safer and more sustainable

  •  Ended the abuse of rolling fixed term contracts

  •  Created a right to request flexible work

  •  Created a right to disconnect from work after hours

  •  Made it illegal to advertise jobs below the legal minimum wage

  •  Strengthened laws against discrimination and sexual harassment

  •  Cracked down on sham contracting

  •  Made it easier for workplace delegates to identify safety and compliance issues

  •  Created a right to paid family and domestic violence leave

  •  Delivered a historic expansion to paid parental leave

The Liberals and Nationals have consistently opposed higher wages, safer workplaces and more secure jobs.

Send Peter Dutton a message to stop his attacks on working Australians by signing the petition HERE.